John Maxwell Organizational Leadership Development & DISC Assessment Workshop


How are you wired? People are different .... predictably different!

There are different personality types; each communicates differently and is motivated by different things. People also tend to lead according to their respective personality types. How do you make sure your board members are communicating effectively? How can an executive lead effectively? How can a nonprofit ensure its recruiting board members that will help fulfill its purposes?


This training session will help understand the different personality types and how  to effectively use that to ensure board meetings are not taking longer than they should, without reaching a consensus, or within any actionable steps that are taken due to board members having different personalities. This is an interactive session with real-life case scenarios (participants will be able to come up with real scenarios). We will also administer The John Maxwell DISC assessment (if keys are purchased) so participants will know by the end of the training, what their respective personalities are.

By the end of this session, participants will know their personality styles and how they are wired, what pressures they respond to, how they communicate and lead, what kind of environment they can excel in … etc.).

They will also have a deeper understanding of how to better take advantage of their strengths and build off their weaknesses, knowing that any strength overused becomes a limitation. Additionally, when it comes to leadership, people will default to their personal style when leading, people are hard-wired; and instinctively, people move away from fears, pain, and discomfort. They will walk away with clarity on their public perception, stress Perception, and self-perception.

Human resources executives and organization leaders will understand the importance of recruiting the right profiles.

Join Us in the Journey of Leadership Excellence

At Business Seals, we believe that leadership is the cornerstone of every successful organization. Our John Maxwell Organizational Leadership Development & DISC Assessment Workshop is an opportunity to unleash your leadership potential, create a positive impact on your teams, and foster a culture of growth and achievement.

Join us in this transformative journey towards leadership excellence. Together, we can unlock the doors to success and drive your organization towards new heights.