Youth Entrepreneurship Summer Program

Want to know more and potentially join our Youth Entrepreneurship Summer Program?
This is a 4 week program with youth ages 15-17. The program will be from June 3rd-June 28th 2024 from 9am to 12 pm taking place Monday-Friday.
The program will take place at La Vista Community Center and we will be accepting no more than 15 students.
Participants will take the steps to convert their ideas and concepts into business plans and turn their plans into actual products to bring to a Marketplace that will be held on the last day of the program in which they will be able to sell their products. The goal is to equip them with the right tools and resources they need to become creators, innovators, producers, and of course young entrepreneurs.
Traditionally, there was just one path: graduate and join the workforce. We want to give the youths another option.